Dev Log 6

During the week of submission of the vertical slice, we finalised some elements we wanted to add to the game. This week we decided to work on and add visual changes. Torches were added to walls for atmospheric lighting, and the enemy and player models were updated. We added a sphere that marked where the player was moving to. Additionally, we added a healing spell - a way of combining spells together. As this week took place over reading week, we did not get the chance for external feedback from our playtest.

This week, Stephen ( also began making a test 3D digital model of the controller to explore the tools and usability of Blender, Rhinoceros 3D, and SketchUp.

Here is a short demo video of our verticle slice: Dark Arts Game Demo

Game ‘design’ was also a very important element for this week so that we would know the direction that we were headed for the game’s art. This is the game screen that resembles our final vision of the game is:

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