Dev Log 4

Dev Log 4

In the fourth week of development, we focused on narrowing our ideas into a single direction. We have decided to create a magic casting system in which the player will fight off enemies. The player has six different stones, which allow them to cast spells (Fire, Frost, Air, Water, Earth, and Energy). These spells can be cast together (up to groups of three elements). The spells are currently procedurally generated - a water and earth attack will create a water-earth projectile. However, in the coming weeks, we plan on making certain combinations create different results (e.g. a healing or a blocking spell). This week, a level was made with the previously made enemies. 

Some positive feedback we received back (to note for the final production of the game):

  1. The players liked casting various magic spells at the enemies.
  2. The players enjoyed typing on the keyboards and seeing the keys fall off when they kept pressing them.
  3. The players liked exploring a map, and one player especially liked when they came across a hidden room with a (not yet functional) treasure chest.

Some suggestions from the playtesters:

  1. Add in a shield or healing.
  2. Make the enemies attack the player.
  3. Add sightlines to the enemies (they only follow the player if the player is seen and return to a point if unprovoked for a significant time.
  4. Visual representation of the movement marker should be added, so the player knows where they’re going when they click.
  5. More interesting enemies and new rooms could be added

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