Dev Log 5

With the vertical slice of this game due in one week, we focused on getting the main features of the game operational before our submission. We added a raycast attack when the player casts an air spell. Once an enemy comes in contact with the raycast, their health begins to tick down gradually, similar to the fire spell. We also made the enemies attack the player and move towards them. The game area was increased, and new connected rooms were added so that the player had more room to explore and add in more enemies/objectives at a later date.

Some positive feedback we received back (to note for the final production of the game):

  1. The players liked casting various magic spells at the enemies.
  2. The players enjoyed typing on the keyboards and seeing the keys fall off when they kept pressing them.
  3. The players liked exploring a map, and one player especially liked when they came across a hidden room with a (not yet functional) treasure chest.

Some suggestions from the playtesters:

  1. Add the ability to heal.
  2. Add a visual indicator to the game so that the player knows when they click where they’re going.
  3. Add an enemy texture so that the enemy is updated from a red capsule.

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